• d'irque & fien

  • SOL

  • circus - theatre - music

1th price best circusshow TAC - Valladolid - Sp 2017


“Thank you to magnify poetry like that … You are creators of happiness”

-An anonymous note left under our windscreen wiper-


Company d’irque & fien is a longstanding duo – a fine complicity on asphalt as in life – giving us poetic (street) circus performances that gently tickle our inner child.
A couple who seeks, is lost, is found again, hopes to play the score of a life together in concert. The duo wanders from place to place, from meetings to acquaintances, from moments of surprise to challenge, recognizable by all.

We all come from somewhere
With our luggage packed
To live the good life
A difficult balance
An unexpected harmony
Everyone adds their own language
Our language is the circus!

“Sol Bemol”[G flat] is undeniably dreamlike, funny and for all who want.
A show created with heart and passion by Dirk Van Boxelaere – Fien Van Herwegen

d’irque & fien

After more than five years touring “Carrousel des Moutons”[around the globe, d’irque and fien are pleased to
present “Sol Bémol” – their new creation.

We like to surprise and touch the audience by conveying images and unexpected situations.
Our life is our work and vice versa.
Playing together makes us happy, like fresh raspberries from our garden.
With desire and pleasure we travel from place to place, made happy by comforting applause and satisfied by a
new dismantling record!
We are pleased that, for our children, our daily work seems to be just a game.



directors : Dirk Van Boxelaere – Fien Van Herwegen – Leandre Ribera
technicians: Fill de Block – Nicolas Charpin
lightdesign – lighttechnician: Bram Waelkens

musical inspiration : Alain Reubens
costumes: Julia Wenners Alarm – Carmen Van Nyvelseel
photography Kristof Ceulemans whiteout fotografie
video: Jevon Lambrechts – Eva Leyten


Rowena – Whoopi&Felix – Roos&Johan – Geertje&Christ – Lotte&Joris – Loes&Marie&Kasper Kobe – Nanou –
Dimitri & Anso – Paul – …

the Flemish government
Le Boulon
le boulon
Le cratere surface Ales – scène nationale
la cratere
L’Archipel Perpignan –  scène nationale


photos / videos

  • "nog een absolute publiekstrekker is het belgische duo d'irque & fien volop prijs, toppunt van acrobatie en muziek een act die wereldfurore zal maken zoals hun vorige act"

    tv belge vrt reportage 'theater op de markt - 14/08/ 2016

  • "la scène finale, grandiose, rappelant d'une certaine manière celle des Temps modernes de Chaplin, leur offre l'espérance d'un avenir ... au 7e ciel!"

    L'humanité - 25/07/2016

  • "Notre couple a su emporter le public dans son monde onirique et touchant au coeur son âme d'enfant."

    Le journal - 21/07/2016

  • "Sol bémol distille une gaieté sans arrière-pensée, déconnectée de la réalité, sorte d'invitation au voyage et visant à l'universel."

    Le journal - 21 juillet 2016

  • "Voilà tout ce beau monde pris dans une frénésie d'accumulation qui va se terminer en pyramide musicale vertigineuse et déjantée."

    La Douphiné Libéré - 17/07/2016

  • "Avec D'irque & fien nous avons vraiment accueilli le crème de la crème internationale à Ninove!"

    organisateur 'De donderdagen / Ninove' 08/2016

  • "In times like this, art is an medecine, thankfull for this performance"

    audience message instagram



vzw Tobe 2 - Dirk Van Boxelaere - Zoerselsteenweg 20 - 2980 Zoersel - België
+32 477 232 649 | +33 6 49 58 56 50

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